Extension for managing various types of thumbnails, which can derive plugins to support different types of files. Load plugins in a separate application domain, support instant uninstallation, plugin update, etc.
The above two pictures show the final effects provided by the thumbnail plug-in. These plug-ins are centrally loaded and unloaded through PreviewManager.
As shown in the figure, you can load and unload plug-ins at any time (we are planning to add a UI to manage plug-in modules in more detail, but it is not yet completed).
In addition, because the plug-in runs in a new AppDomain, the corresponding DLL can be deleted or updated immediately after uninstalling the plug-in, and then reloaded and applied immediately.
Unzip it to any folder. PreviewManager.dll is a COM open component. Register this file to install the menu and thumbnail extension.
First determine whether the system is 32-bit or 64-bit, modify the corresponding exe file name to RegAsm.exe, and then drag and drop PreviewManager.dll to @register.cmd to complete the registration.
At this point, the installation of the extension has been completed. You can see the above-mentioned menu effect by right-clicking a folder or a blank area on the desktop. Thumbnails of txt, osz, epub and other files can also be read if the format is correct.
Finally, let’s introduce some remaining files. The three Provider.dll are extension plug-in examples corresponding to the three files mentioned above. You can create any plug-in you want. Create a new project, reference the PreviewManager.dll library, and create a Provider class that inherits Tsanie.PreviewManager.PreviewProvider (the specific meaning of the members can be seen in the code comments).
After generating the dll, copy it to the same directory as PreviewManager.dll, then modify PreviewManager.txt and add a line in the format of “assembly name, full name of Provider class”. Finally, reload the plug-in to see the effect.
Some existing examples and ideas:
VS has a set of icon shell extensions that can get the version through the content of the sln solution file, and then mark it with a number in the upper right corner of the icon to tell the user which version the file is (this is an icon extension, which is different from the thumbnail extension mentioned here)
Then we can imagine making a thumbnail extension for rar, which can display different icons according to the compression ratio of different files, and then we can see the compression ratio of each file at a glance.
Or add a resolution prompt board to the image to let you know how big the image is at a glance, etc.
Well, the above are just some preliminary ideas. Now that the module that needs to interact with Windows is completed, the remaining plug-in only needs to receive a file name and then return a picture. Anyone can DIY…